I have been wanting to redesign my business website for a few years. Other clients, projects, kids and life responsibilities arose and my site got pushed to the bottom of the priority list. After earning my webmaster certification at the end of August, I knew that my website HAD to be pushed to the top of the list.
I have been gathering quite the collection of sketches on napkins, post-its and bookmarked inspiration websites. All in preparation for finding my new style and feel for my business website. Who am I? What feel do I want visitors to have? What did I like about my old site? All of these questions I have an easy time helping others hash out but somehow when it came to my site I was slower to decide.
I have worked many long days that pushed well into the early mornings. My house has gone weeks without being vacuumed, dusted or mopped. It wasn't because my children were making memories as much as mommy was on deadline. My fabulous husband has cleaned, done laundry, dishes and cooked dinner to help me squeeze in more time to work. I have had copy changes, site design revisions, delays and even a computer virus thrown in for good measure. All of it was well worth this...
Tonight, as I proofread my mobile site, my 6 year-old daughter said, "Mommy your website is pretty! How do you make that [my website home page] look so pretty!? How do you make that go there and that go there?" I thanked her with a kiss and hug and told her that I would teach her how to design websites someday. She smiled and gave me a goodnight hug and kiss. Thirty minutes later... with my left arm around my nine year-old daughter and my husband smiling as he watched on my right, I entered my DNS nameserver change and hit save. My daughter told me she loved my new website and I gave her a hug and kiss goodnight. My husband gave me a kiss and said "Great job, baby! I am proud of you!" I am proud of myself for accomplishing what I set out to do. I am happy that I am being a good role model for my daughters.
As they headed upstairs to bed, I said, "STINK-I forgot to post to my blog! I'll be right up." LOL!
Thank you for visiting my shiny, new and improved website. Come back often!